The Stair Conceptual Model

After some quick brainstorming of ideas for my stairs, i had devised very rough models of what i wanted to achieve, but the rendering wasn't the best quality.My dimensions of the stairs roughly follow the standard US dimensions of maximum 7-inch rise and minimum 11-inch run (tread). For my 'top'' stairs i have included a ramp which will make it easier to bring the motorbikes down to the showroom, and i am hoping to improve the design of the stairs that intertwine with the ramp, by making it a more helix shape. The curves accentuate the theme of the elegant curve shapes in the motorbikes. I am also hoping to enlarge the size of the stairs to suit the relative heights of the three spaces in my building (showroom, above it and below it). Depending on how it fits with the building, i might add some slim hand-railing to the bottom stairs, but i have also made the stairs to resemble a runway slightly, by widening the steps. This can allow models (if needed) to try on the clothes and give an idea of the fit of the clothes. As for materiality, i have mainly relied on concrete, with maybe some steel detailing in the future. 

Bottom Stairs (Datum to under the datum), contemporary design

Bottom Stair Lateral View

Top Stair Frontal View

Top Stair Lateral View

Top Stair with railing/steel detailing (sketchup)

My sketches for the sections of the stairs:
